The team at Carnegie Mellon University will bring together the work of college and university humanities scholars with community-based organizations and local Pittsburgh activists to produce a manuscript that captures a comprehensive new history of African American experience in Pittsburgh from its inception during the late colonial era to the contemporary period. Using oral histories as well as archival research, this project will document past and present racial injustices alongside the social and political movements to combat inequality. Further, this project will illuminate the complex role that colleges and universities have historically played in movements for racial justice. This new history will ultimately serve as the foundation for crafting reparations policy recommendations at all levels of government.

Principal Investigator

Director, Center for Africanamerican Urban Studies and the Economy (CAUSE)
Community Fellows

Professor of Development and Ethnic and Diversity Studies

Writer, Researcher, and Curator of local African American History
Community Advisory Committee

Senior Lecturer, US History

Professor, Department of Sociology
Additional Team Members

CAUSE Program Coordinator
Additional Information
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