Crafting Democratic Futures: Concordia College

Image courtesty of Concordia College / Written by James Postema, professor of English and principal investigator of the Concordia College – Moorhead, MN, Crafting Democratic Futures team Project Description At Concordia, we believe that the most distinctive contribution we can make to the Crafting Democratic Futures project is to focus on research and restorative……

Crafting Democratic Futures: Spelman College

Written by Cynthia Spence, associate professor of sociology at Spelman College, Director of the Social Justice Program, and the principal investigator for the Spelman College Crafting Democratic Futures Team Project Description The Spelman College Just Futures Project will be housed in the Social Justice Program directed by Dr. Cynthia Neal Spence, Associate Professor of Sociology……

CDF Newsletter: May 2021

Dear Colleagues of the Crafting Democratic Futures Initiative, Thank you all for a fantastic Convening of All Teams on May 17, 2021! We’re encouraged by the progress made since December 2020. And, it was inspiring to listen to each team highlight their community-based approach to addressing a variety of issues. These issues ranged from redlining,……

Mellon Foundation Awards More Than $72 Million to Ensure “Just Futures”

New York, NY – January 13, 2021 — The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the largest funder of the arts and humanities in the US, announced today that grants totaling more than $72 million have been awarded to winners of its Just Futures Initiative—supporting teams of scholars who are studying past periods of crisis and disruption……